Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Demand Reflection

In my life I never noticed how many products I bought to compliment another product. It never occured to me that stores and business owners are trying to get you to do that. My family goes shopping all the time and we buy certain things to compliment other things such as chips and salsa. When we go down the chips aisle and grab a bag of tostitos, we aslo grab a container of salsa. Which, just so happened to be conveniently placed right there.
When I was a little kid I wanted a skateboard really bad so we went to the store to buy one, but when we got home I had a lot more stuff than planned. All of the complimentary products that I had to buy with it were also there.  I ended up buying a helmet and pads, and some extra wheels. Complimentary products are in our everyday lives and sometimes we dont even notice.

I wonder how big companies end up becoming compliments with other products.

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