Thursday, September 13, 2012

Opportunity Cost

I have had many opportunities in my life, and for every opportunity, I had to make a choice.  For every choice that I made I had an opportunity cost.  The last big opportunity that I had was going to visit my dad.  But at the time I was employed and still looking for another job.  I didn't want to risk going to Utah and miss a job opportunity because I couldn't come in for an interview.

I called my dad and talked to him for awhile about it and asked what his plans were for that week and if it was worth flying down there.  I also had just put in a resume at Papa Murphy's because a friend told me that they're hiring.  The manager had also talked to me a lot when I came in to submit it, which made me think that they are really considering me for the job. I talked to my Mom about it and she made me realize that I probably won't get another chance to fly to Utah for awhile so I got a ticket.

The day that I flew to Utah I was nervous that I would get a call all day.  I got off the plane and my dad picked me up so I hadn't thought about it for awhile. The day was going pretty well and I was visiting all my family members, when all of the sudden my phone started ringing.  I looked down thinking it would be my Mom asking if I made it there ok or a friend asking to hangout, but it was an unknown number. I answered and it was the owner of Papa Murphy's offering me a job interview.  Luckily he was reasonable and I got the interview the day I got home.  It could have been a very big opportunity cost for me. I wonder how large business executives handle large opportunity costs?

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