Friday, September 21, 2012

What I learned today- 9/21/12

I read the article "11 Years After 9/11, Afghanistan Still Matters"  We all remember 9/11, My generation grew up with that as the huge attack on the united states.  We have all seen people affected by it in this country, not just from the day itself, but from all the after events.  It has lead to war for 11 years and troops have been lost, family members, loved ones, everyone has been affected somehow.  But when we think about that day, we don't think about the people in Afghanistan.  I really like the fact that this article takes a look at the other side of this war too.  A lot of the people in Afghanistan didn't know what was going on 9/11 or why the USA were now coming into their countries.  Our economy was affected by the war, but Afganistan was also affected by it, at least we didn't have to deal with a war in the United States. 
Another point that this article covers is the debate on the war during elections.  A lot of people here are tired of the war and believe that it only has a negative effect on our economy.  I personally believe the same thing.  This war has been going on for too long and we need to focus more on our economy and getting the country out of this recession.

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